If you click on the 'Aus Ranking' link on any review:
You will see a popup like this:
This shows how this installer's score compares with every other installer who:
- has a review on SolarQuotes®
- satisfies the filters you've chosen with the radio buttons
The comparison includes clients and non-clients (anyone can leave a review of any solar installer in Australia on SolarQuotes® ).
Average Score
In the above example, MC Electrical is in the 98th percentile (top 2%) based on the average score of all companies who have had at least 25 reviews in the previous 12 months.
Most Good Reviews
If you click the 'Most Good Reviews' radio button, you'll see something like this.
Here the installer gets points for 4 and 5 star reviews and loses points for 1,2 or 3 star reviews. The idea is that it's no good having tons of reviews if most of them are bad!
Here's how we score each review:
1 star is -3
2 star is -2
3 star is -1
4 star is +1
5 star is +2
We then add up the points This ranking will favour bigger solar companies that consistently get rated "good" or "fantastic". It is also likely to favour SolarQuotes clients who get lots of business though us - and hence lots of reviews.
The resulting graph compares this score with the score of every other installer who has a review on SolarQuotes® (clients and non-clients).
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