If you believe a review or other content should be removed you should read our reporting guidelines first. Then, if you still want to, you should report the review by clicking on the post's flag icon. Then you should make a reasoned, factual, polite request.
Threatening requests
If you make a threatening request we reserve the right to:
- Place a big notice on your review detailing your threat.
- Publish the threat on our very popular blog (10,000ish views on a good day) and Facebook (50,000+ fans)
- Pass on details of correspondence that appears to be an attempt to abuse our reviews system to the ACCC. For serious misconduct, the ACCC can seek court penalties. The maximum penalty is $220,000 for an individual and $1.1 million for a company, per breach.
Also: make sure you read the ACCC's guidelines for online reviews
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