Troubleshooting your solar power system
This section deals with common issues that might affect your solar system.
- Why does my inverter show two input voltages when there is only one solar string?
- My old inverter died, but why won't they give me a warranty on a new one?
- How do 3 phase meters work with single phase solar?
- I don't think my newly installed solar system is performing. Can you help?
- I read you are testing an Edge Electrons SolarIQ voltage regulation device. Any good?
- My 6.5kW system never produces more than 5kW!
- My solar system has failed and I can't find the company that installed it or the manufacturer. Help!
- I need to replace one or more panels on an existing solar system but the exact panel model is no longer available.
- My Inverter Keeps Tripping or Reducing Power On Over-voltage. What can I do?
- My SolarEdge Monitoring Doesn't Look Right